Results for 'Constanza E. Ovalle'

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  1.  80
    Hegemony of economic values in conducting clinical trials with a placebo‐control group to investigate the treatment of periodontitis in lower‐middle‐income countries.Carlos M. Ardila & Constanza E. Ovalle - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (4):231-252.
    This article analyzes the bioethical implications of using a control/placebo group when conducting clinical trials (CTs) investigating the treatment of periodontitis. For this, the deductive method was used, proposing the interrelation of values, and a scoping systematic review was carried out. A total of 53% of the CTs reviewed were performed in low- and middle-income (LMI) countries, and 92% used a control/placebo group as a comparison group. Although there is a gold standard for the adjunctive treatment of periodontitis, the research (...)
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  2. Usos y aplicaciones del pensamiento de Michel Foucalut en el estudio de los tratados anti-mágicos de Lope de Barrientos.Constanza E. Cavallero - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:4.
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    Sense of Ethnic Belonging: Relation With Well-Being and Psychological Distress in Inhabitants of the Mapuche Conflict Area, Chile.Felipe E. García, Loreto Villagrán, María Constanza Ahumada, Nadia Inzunza, Katherine Schuffeneger & Sandra Garabito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has shown that experiences of discrimination cause harm to the health and well-being of people. In terms of the identity of members of a group, a positive evaluation of that group might involve devaluing the out-group as a way of raising the endo-group, causing discrimination toward the out-group. In the Chilean context, the Mapuche people have historically suffered discrimination and violations of their rights. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between Collective Identity, perceived experiences of (...)
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    Diversidad e Inclusión: Experiencias Biográficas y Cuestionamiento a la Formación Inicial Docente.Roberto Leiva, Constanza Herrera, Mauricio Núñez & Camila Gallego - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-17.
    La formación inicial docente resulta clave para una educación inclusiva. Sin embargo, esta formación suele orientarse por estándares de la política y estar desvinculada de las experiencias de sus actores. Mediante un estudio de caso de un programa de Pedagogía en Artes Visuales chileno, se interrogan las propuestas formativas a partir de experiencias biográficas de formadores y profesores en formación. Se describen aspectos no considerados sobre la concepción de diversidad e inclusión, la corporalidad, la identidad y la autonomía docente. Asimismo, (...)
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    Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses.Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Paula Menéndez-Benito & Aynat Rubinstein - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (2):135-176.
    How do modal expressions determine which possibilities they range over? According to the Modal Anchor Hypothesis (Kratzer in _The language-cognition interface: Actes du 19_ _e_ _congrès international des linguistes_, Libraire Droz, Genève, 179–199, 2013 ), modal expressions determine their domain of quantification from particulars (events, situations, or individuals). This paper presents novel evidence for this hypothesis, focusing on a class of Spanish relative clauses that host verbs inflected in the subjunctive. Subjunctive in Romance is standardly taken to be licensed only (...)
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    La dialéctica durante los "años rojos": la matriz de la escisión y la politicidad de la teoría en Alain Badiou.Constanza Filloy - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):8-28.
    Este trabajo se centra en la construcción badiouana de la dialéctica y su politicidad durante los llamados “años rojos” (1966-1976). Procuro destacar el carácter político de la dialéctica a partir de una doble hipótesis. En primer lugar, sostendré que la construcción badiouana de la dialéctica otorga una respuesta inmanente y localista al problema de la relación entre la estructura y la historia. En este sentido, organizaré la respuesta de Badiou a dicha problemática a partir de su adopción del principio de (...)
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    Dominação, resistencia e autonomia no extremo sul do Vice-reinado do Peru.Beatriz Bixio & Constanza Gonzáles Navarro - 2009 - Dialogos 13 (2).
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    Economic Sanctions and Just War Theory.Constanza Guajardo, Fernando Arancibia & Alejandra Marinovic - 2024 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):141-154.
    In this paper we distinguish, from other sanctions, specific targeted sanctions—namely those imposed on particular individuals and sanctions on goods that facilitate the violation of human rights. We ask if these sanctions satisfy the three of the principles of Just War Theory (JWT): chance of success, proportionality and discrimination. We argue that while there is not enough empirical evidence to make a claim about specific targeted sanctions and chance of success, these sanctions do meet the principles of proportionality and discrimination, (...)
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    Exploitation and its different conceptualizations: For a pluralistic conceptualization of exploitation.Constanza Salgado Muñoz - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 53:9-33.
    Resumen: Este artículo se centra en el concepto de explotación, tal como ha sido usado por gran parte de la literatura no-marxista, es decir, como un concepto cuyo objeto son las transacciones particulares antes que estructuras. En este trabajo se exponen y evalúan las distintas conceptualizaciones de la explotación que ha ofrecido la literatura, teniendo como principal caso de contraste el trabajo en sweatshops. Se sostiene que pese a ofrecer condiciones competitivas, el trabajo en sweatshops es explotativo porque las empresas (...)
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    Mario López, Carlos E. Martínez y Óscar Useche (Compiladores), Ciudadanos en son de paz. Propuestas de acción noviolenta para Colombia, Editorial Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, 2008, 354 p. [REVIEW]Constanza Amézquita Quintana - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    La obra editada por Mario López, Carlos Eduardo Martínez y Óscar Useche constituye una aproximación al conocimiento de los procesos de construcción de paz desarrollados por distintas comunidades en el planeta y de los abordajes teóricos sobre el tema centrados en las nuevas formas de convivencia que surgen gracias a la fuerza de lo comunitario. Se trata de una compilación de dieciséis artículos elaborados por investigadores provenientes de enfoques diversos quienes presentan una reflexión so..
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  11.  13
    GORMAN, MICHAEL E. at al. (eds.), Scientific and Technological Thinking, Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005, VIII + 368 págs. [REVIEW]Constanza Ruiz Danegger - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:229-231.
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    Kepler's path to the construction and rejection of his first oval orbit for Mars.E. J. Aiton - 1978 - Annals of Science 35 (2):173-190.
    When Kepler concluded that the orbit of Mars was not a circle, he was led to the belief that the orbit was an oval touching the circle at the apsides and lying within the circle at other points. In the definition of the oval, physical hypotheses played a primary role. Two forces were involved; a tractive force arising from the effect of the solar rays rotating with the sun, and a directing force arising from a natural instinct of the planet (...)
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  13.  22
    Música e identidad afro en Herencia de Timbiquí. El canto como una afirmación de las identidades Afro-Pacíficas.Angélica Roxanna Barrera Mosquera & Ana María Betancourt Ovalle - 2019 - Argos 7 (19):26-43.
    La identidad se ha constituido como una noción hegemónica y estática, sin embargo, la música de Herencia de Timbiquí consolida identidades múltiples y evidencia la hibridación racial, histórica y cultural por la que han pasado las comunidades Afro-Pacíficas desde la época de la Colonia y la esclavitud negra hasta la globalización y el conflicto armado colombiano. Estos hechos han ido transformando las identidades que originalmente traían las comunidades desde África, pues sus prácticas culturales se fueron entretejiendo con las prácticas indígenas (...)
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  14.  13
    Análisis de la producción y redes de colaboración en los programas de doctorado en psicología en Colombia.Wilson López López, Julio César Ossa, Jean Nikola Cudina, María Constanza Aguilar Bustamante, Michelle Torres, Cesar Acevedo Triana & Gonzalo Salas - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):151-182.
    El objetivo de la formación doctoral es la generación y difusión de nuevo conocimiento, sin embargo, no es claro cómo los programas de doctorado en Colombia se relacionan con este tipo de producción académica. A partir de ello, en el presente estudio se presenta el panorama general de la producción académica a través de las instituciones de educación superior colombianas que ofertan programas de formación doctoral en psicología. La producción académica se obtuvo de la base de datos Scopus en una (...)
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  15. Motivi e sviluppi della constanza del diritto in GB Vico.A. Agnelli - 1956 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 33 (5).
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    PAREYSON, LUIGI, Verdad e interpretación, Traducción y estudio crítico de Constanza Giménez. Encuentro, Madrid, 2014, 302 pp. [REVIEW]Pablo Blanco - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:598-601.
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    Allier Montaño, Eugenia; Vilchis Ortega, César Iván; Ovalle, Camilo Vicente (coord.) (2020). En la cresta de la ola. Debates y definiciones en torno a la historia del tiempo presente. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Bonilla Artiga. [REVIEW]Hernán Apaza - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (26):e166.
    Revisión del libro En la cresta de la ola. Debates y definiciones en torno a la historia del tiempo presente por E. Allier Montaño, C. I. Vilchis Ortega y C. V. Ovalle (coord.).
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    Geopolítica y energía.Antonio Elizalde - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Joseph E. Stiglitz, premio Nóbel de Economía, ha sostenido que la Guerra de Irak es «Una guerra que no ha tenido más que dos vencedores: las compañías petrolíferas y los contratistas de defensa». A su vez Jay Hanson, cita a Robert Constanza quien señala: «En los años 50, los productores de petróleo descubrieron 50 barriles de petróleo por cada barril invertido en perforación y bombeo. Hoy, la cifra es de aproximadamente cinco barriles por cada uno gastado en obtenerlos. Hacia (...)
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  19. Plural Epistemic Indefinites ∗.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find epistemic indefinites, i.e. existential determiners that can convey information about the speaker’s epistemic state.1 One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un, which marks ignorance on the part of the speaker. By using alg´un in (1a) the speaker signals that he is unable (or unwilling) to identify the doctor that Mar´ıa married. Hence, it would be odd for him to add a namely continuation that explicitly identifies the doctor in question, as in (1b). From now on, we will (...)
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  20.  42
    Schooling and the new psychophysics.E. C. Poulton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):201-203.
  21. Número especial: “La filosofía de Althusser a 50 años de Lire le Capital” en Representaciones. c.Pedro Karczmarczyk - 2015 - Número Especial: “La Filosofía de Althusser a 50 Años de Lire le Capital” En Representaciones. Revista de Estudios Sobre Representaciones En Arte, Ciencia y Filosofía, Vol XI, N° 1, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, ISSN 1669-8401 (1):1-166.
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    İstanbul Türk ve İsl'm Eserleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Memlûk Mushafı Üzerine Mül'hazalar.Süleyman Berk - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:59-94.
    Dünya Osmanlı Devleti’nin makarr-ı saltanatı olan Dersaâdet’e, Memlûkler zamanında birçok Mushaf-ı Şerîf’in geldiği; XIX. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren muhafaza edilmek üzere vakfedildikleri camilerden, türbelerden, müze ve kütüphâne koleksiyonlarına toplanan eserlerden anlaşılmaktadır. İslâm yazı sanatı, başlangıcında imlâ gelişimine odaklanmış, bu meyanda ilk asır sonrası yazı estetiği üzerine çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Abbâsîler döneminde görülen bu gayretler neticesi yazının kurallara bağlandığı ve çeşitlendiği görülmüştür. Bunlardan Memlûk döneminde, Mushaf yazımında kullanılan Muhakkak ve Reyhâni yazı çeşidi Osmanlı’da Hattat Şeyh Hamdullah’a (1429- 1520) kadar Mushaf yazısı olarak kullanılmıştır. (...)
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  23. A definition of memory.E. M. Zemach - 1968 - Mind 77 (308):526-536.
  24. Grundgesetze Des sollens.E. Mally - 1927 - Mind 36 (141):124.
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  25. (1 other version)Socrates.A. E. Taylor - 1933 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
    Contents Include: The Early Life of Socrates - The Later Life of Socrates: His Trial and Death - The Thought of Socrates.
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    The mechanism of polytype formation in vapour-phase grown ZnS crystals.E. Alexander, Z. H. Kalman, S. Mardix & I. T. Steinberger - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1237-1246.
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  27. Material Alteration and Cognitive Activity in Aristotle's "De Anima".John E. Sisko - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (2):138 - 157.
  28. Intersecções nos estudos sobre trajetórias e identidades.Cidriana Parenza E. Gisele Giuriolo - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    Mary Astell's Ironic Assault on John Locke's Theory of Thinking Matter.E. Derek Taylor - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (3):505-522.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.3 (2001) 505-522 [Access article in PDF] Mary Astell's Ironic Assault on John Locke's Theory of Thinking Matter E. Derek Taylor Mary Astell (1666-1731), most famous today for her call for the establishment of Protestant nunneries in Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Part I (1694) and for her acute Reflections Upon Marriage (1700), has lurked for years at the edges of that infinitely (...)
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  30.  12
    Debate transformado em querela: panorama sobre a relação entre o luxo e as paixões.Rafael de Araújo E. Viana Leite - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):33-47.
    Pretendo mostrar a relação entre o surgimento das primeiras apologias do luxo no século XVIII e a mudança de estatuto das paixões humanas. A hipótese que gostaria de defender é a de que a alteração da compreensão das paixões humanas possibilitou a formulação de uma nova antropologia segundo a qual a busca por prazer é entendida como legítima moral e politicamente.
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  31.  63
    A Conceptual Approach for a Quantitative Economic Analysis of Farmers’ Decision-Making Regarding Animal Welfare.É Gocsik, H. W. Saatkamp, C. C. de Lauwere & A. G. J. M. Oude Lansink - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (2):287-308.
    Decisions related to animal welfare standards depend on farmer’s multiple goals and values and are constrained by a wide range of external and internal forces. The aim of this paper is twofold, i.e., to develop a theoretical framework for farmers’ AW decisions that incorporates farmers’ goals, use and non-use values and to present an approach to empirically implement the theoretical framework. The farmer as a head of the farm household makes choices regarding production to maximize the utility of the household. (...)
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    Descriptive metaphysics.E. A. Burtt - 1963 - Mind 72 (285):18-39.
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    On the adequacy of a type ontology.E. Zemach - 1975 - Synthese 31 (3-4):509 - 515.
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    Schematic objects and relative identity.E. M. Zemach - 1982 - Noûs 16 (2):295-305.
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  35.  5
    Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future.E. Jayne White, Catherine Matsuo, Fiona Westbrook, Caryl Emerson, Bridgette Redder, Mahtab Janfada, Dandan Cao & Mikhail Gradovski - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):935-945.
    E. Jayne Whitea, Catherine Matsuob and Fiona WestbrookcaUniversity of Canterbury; bFukuoka University; cAuckland University of Technology (AUT)This collective writing piece takes its points of depa...
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  36.  34
    The Ground of Human Rights.E. M. Adams - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (2):191 - 196.
  37.  30
    The nature of ought.E. M. Adams - 1956 - Philosophical Studies 7 (3):36 - 42.
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  38.  52
    "They Were All Human Beings: So Much Is Plain": Reflections on Cultural Relativism in the Humanities.E. H. Gombrich - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (4):686-699.
    In the fourth section of Goethe’s Zahme Xenien we find the quatrain from which I have taken the theme of such an old and new controversy, which, as I hope, concerns both Germanic studies and the other humanities: “What was it that kept you from us so apart?” I always read Plutarch again and again. “And what was the lesson he did impart?” “They were all human beings—so much is plain.”1 In the very years when Goethe wrote these lines, that (...)
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  39. The Philosophy of Epicurus-An Unclosed Chapter in Human Thought.E. W. Adams - 1921 - Hibbert Journal 20:88.
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  40. The Place of the Classics in Education.E. W. Adams - 1922 - Hibbert Journal 21:588.
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  41. Kitcherio konceptualinės pažangos samprata ir pokyčiai XVIII a. chemijoje.E. Adomonis - 2003 - Filosofija. Sociologija 14 (3).
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  42. Cage, J. 304.E. Ahlman, T. Aquinas, M. Aydede, M. Ayers, K. Barber, Fr Bassenge, W. Baumgartner, W. Beermann, D. Bell & J. Bennett - 2006 - In Markus Textor (ed.), The Austrian contribution to analytic philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 324.
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  43.  34
    (1 other version)Ovidiana: Notes on the Fasti.E. H. Alton - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (3-4):58-62.
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  44. Problema obshchestvennogo ideala v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii kont︠s︡a XIX--XX vv.E. M. Amelina - 2004 - Kaluga: Ėĭdos.
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    Problemy teorii prava i gosudarstva, istorii politiko-pravovoĭ mysli: sbornik rabot uchenikov, druzeĭ, kolleg professora Olega Ėrnestovicha Leĭsta.O. Ė Leĭst, N. G. Beli︠a︡eva & A. A. Mati︠u︡khin (eds.) - 2005 - Almaty: AI︠O︡-VSHP "Ădīlet".
  46.  24
    Editorial - Special Issue, Foucauldian Spaces.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24:1-5.
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    Documented Chronology of Roumanian History from Pre-historic Times to the Present Day.E. T. Salmon - 1943 - Classical Weekly 37:67.
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  48. Zhitie prezhderozhdennogo, ili, Dzhataki o sėnsėe.E. A. Serdi︠u︡k - 1993 - Moskva: Maĭna.
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  49. Lógica da invenção e outros ensaios.M. Rocha E. Silva - 1965 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria São José.
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  50.  40
    The Chinese Kinship System.E. H. S., Han-yi Fêng & Han-yi Feng - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):366.
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